
Rasheed, graduated with Second Class Upper Division in History, from the University of Ilorin in 1984. He had four Masters Degree between 1999 and 2004 from the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife (MBA 1999) University of Ibadan (MMP 2002) and (MILTR 2004) and University of Calabar (Msc Finance- 2002). He is a member of many professional bodies among which are, Company and Commercial Accountants of Nigeria (ACCA), Institute of Chartered Training Managers (FICTM) Chartered Institute of Marketing (ACIMN) and Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (MIPMN).

A multi-talented Manager of human and material resources, Rasheed has stint as a Principal Protocol Officer in the Governor’s Office, Ibadan in 1998 before veering into the banking industry where he rose to become Branch Manager in both Afribank Plc and Trans International Bank Plc. Rasheed has demonstrated a robust knowledge in human capital and start–up business development. He is the Chairman, Managing Consultant of the Kool-Info Tech Ltd Team.